This blog was created by author Diana Rowe, to inspire you to soar beyond your present circumstances.
You're invited to share positive thoughts.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Greater Love Part 2

Greater Love Part 2

“No one shows greater love than when he lays down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

Here’s a Soldier who gave His life for all His friends on a global level. He saw His friends shackled in sin, helpless under the wicked power of the enemy who captured everyone in His territory, this soldier named Jesus decided to exchange His life for all who were captured on earth. Knowing that He created us, loved us, valued us more than His own life, He decided to rescue us. He took our place in prison, accepted the torture, the abandonment, the emotional and mental anguish and so much more, but ultimately gave His life to set us free.
This freedom is much more than a physical one. When He laid down His life for all of us, His friends; that afforded us the following:
1.       Emotional freedom, to be happy and hope for the best despite the negative issues that may come our way.
2.       Mental freedom to bask in His goodness and be thankful for what we do have, regardless of how much we may have lost, and sing songs of praise even if our bodies are chained in sickness, jail, financial hardship, hunger, or any other thing.
3.       Spiritual freedom to worship a God of love. To depend on Him to sustain us and help us in our times of need. But also to cultivate a relationship that can withstand the test of time and grant us eternal life.
4.       Personal freedom to choose between right and wrong. To choose to do good to others and help those who are in need.

5.       Freedom of Expression to show compassion to a hurting person or group. To acknowledge their situation and recognize that they are worth your time and effort, because how you treat them is exactly how you would want to be treated.
6.       Freedom to forgive and accept forgiveness from ourselves and from those who wronged us and those we may have wronged.

As you can see there is just so much that our friend Jesus gave when He laid down His life for us. It didn’t matter if you never met Him before. Remember you and I never met all the soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom in a war we probably didn’t witness. But the families, the veterans, and history assure us that it was real and we accept it.
If you want to talk to some who witness what Jesus did, ask Matthew, Peter or John; these friends are found in the Holy Bible. They can share some history with you about this Jesus who did so much for you when you didn’t even ask Him to. Isn’t that the stuff that heroes are made of?
I think so. Won’t you take a moment to thank Jesus for the freedom you have? Please pray for all our friends (our service men and women) who are currently showing “greater love” by laying down their lives for others. Don’t forget to Pray for our world.
Remember, You are greatly blessed and highly favored in the sight of your loving Soldier, your Friend, JESUS!

© D. Rowe

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