America’s First Declaration of Independence
America, a beautiful country whose true Founder is God. Under the rule of a tyrannical king George, III the young nation (colonies) suffered many injustices regardless of the color of their skin. The ethnic groups of the day were all affected by the “plunders at sea,” the “ravaged coasts,” the “burnt towns,” “unfair taxes and unfair trials,” “domestic insurrections, and all manner of oppression” just to name a few.
The Declaration of Independence from the tyrannical rule of King George, III was absolutely necessary!
The humbled young nation needed a new King. Under the counsel and guidance of the “King eternal, the only wise God,” men whom we called “the founding fathers” were inspired to set the stage for a “new America.”
There is something about “the freedom to.” It was God who created freedom of choice and placed this desire in every created being: The freedom to think; the freedom to simply be; the freedom to share love; the freedom to show kindness; the freedom to give and receive forgiveness; the freedom to serve ones country; the freedom to serve the true Founder, God.
Every person or group in bondage has a deep desire to be free whether it is expressed or suppressed. A slave can be chained in a dungeon, yet in the depths of his/her soul they will find a way of escape. This is often interpreted through the words of a song, through the power of imagination in viewing a better place and time, through prayer and Bible truths, and even a positive attitude towards others.
America craved freedom! They were willing to depend on the God, the King of heaven to live this freedom. America trusted in God’s power to lead and guide their decisions. America’s new King, God was and still is totally different from tyrant, King George, III.
Written by: D. Rowe
America’s new King, God
is just in all His dealings with human beings; He is loving and kind to the least among us; He provides for the poor and needy; He gives hope and redemption to the rich and the poor; He prepares a heaven for all who believe in Him and want to live with Him forever; He allows each person to choose if they want to accept Him; He has helped America to stand when other nations fall; He gives sunshine, rain, and oxygen to all free of charge; He has given America the platform of the church where His love is taught. America’s new King, God has truly been Awesome in the good times and the bad!
Peter Marshall’s prayer before the U.S. Senate: “Lord Jesus, thou who art the way, the truth, and the life; hear us as we pray for the truth that shall make all free. Teach us that liberty is not only to be loved but also to be lived. Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books. It costs too much to be hoarded. Help us see that our liberty is not the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to please to do what is right.”
Written by: D. Rowe
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